Registration Category Descriptions
  • Provider

    This category applies to all individuals attending the Annual Meeting NOT associated with a business firm, and includes employees and board members of LeadingAge provider organizations that provide direct care and services for older adults, and retired NH/AL administrators. Full-time university professors and full-time employees of not-for-profit and government organizations also fall under the Provider category.

    Note: Business firms (including consultants) and exhibitors may not register under this category.

    VIP Provider – Members Only(Sun-Wed)

    • Keynotes (Mon-Tues)
    • Education Sessions (Sun-Wed)
    • E2 Expo (Mon-Tues)
    • E2 Expo Lunch (Mon, Tues)
    • Benefits included with the VIP Provider package (see details on website)

    Full Provider (Sun-Wed)

    • Keynotes (Mon-Tues)
    • Education Sessions (Sun-Wed)
    • E2 Expo (Mon-Tues)
    • E2 Expo Lunch (Mon, Tues)

    Daily Provider (Choice of Sunday-Wednesday, applicable to day registered)

    • Keynotes (Mon-Tues)
    • Education Sessions (Sun-Wed)
    • E2 Expo (Mon-Tues)
    • E2 Expo Lunch (Mon, Tues)

    EXPO-Only Daily Provider* (Choice of Monday or Tuesday Expo Only, applicable to day registered, must be a provider and register in advance and be pre-approved, no access to Education Program)

    • Access to EXPO Only (choice of day – Mon or Tues)
    • EXPO Lunch (Mon or Tues as applicable to day registered)

    * not eligible for CE credits
    Only LeadingAge provider members who provide direct care and services for older people are eligible for the VIP Package rate July 15-19. Associations, non-governmental organizations, and universities do not qualify for the VIP package.

  • Business/Non-Exhibitor
    This category applies to companies and individuals who sell/market products and/or services to providers and are
    NOT exhibiting in the EXPO. Exhibitors have invested significant dollars to help attract attendees and this category ensures non-exhibiting companies are equally supporting marketing efforts. For information about exhibiting, please contact the Exhibit Sales Team at

    Full Business/Non-Exhibitor Participant (Sun-Wed)

    • All conference activities, listed under the Full Provider category

    Daily Business/Non-Exhibitor Participant (Choice of Sun-Wed)

    • All conference activities, listed under the Daily Provider category (applicable to day registered)
  • Exhibitor*

    This category applies to companies and individuals who sell/market products and/or services and have already secured their exhibit booth in the expo. 

    *Some exhibitor categories are not eligible for CE credits. Please check the exhibitor registration category descriptions for details.

  • Elder/Resident*
    (Sunday – Wednesday)
    This category applies to individuals who reside in or receive services from a provider organization. 

    • Elder/Resident Networking Lunch
    • All conference activities, listed under the Full Provider category

    *This category is not eligible for CE credits.

  • Student* (Sunday – Wednesday)
    This category applies only to full-time college/university students. Students must be 18 years or older and will be required to upload proof of full-time student status, such as a student ID card, transcript, or letter on department letterhead upon registering. 

    Students enjoy all conference activities, listed under the Full Provider category (applicable to day registered).

    *This category is not eligible for CE credits.

  • This category is an add-on to a primary registrant’s record and applies only to family members of conference registrants (who are NOT employed with a business firm or a provider organization in the aging services field).  

    Family* (Sunday – Wednesday)

    • Kickoff Event (Sun)
    • Keynotes (Mon-Tues)
    • E2 Expo (Mon-Tues)
    • E2 Expo Lunches (Mon, Tues)

    Family PLUS Education* (Sunday – Wednesday)

    • Kickoff Event (Sun)
    • Keynotes (Mon-Tues)
    • E2 Expo (Mon-Tues)
    • E2 Expo Lunches (Mon, Tues) PLUS
    • Education Sessions (Sun-Wed)

    *This category is not eligible for CE credits.

  • Press*
    Complimentary press access is reserved for working members of the media, subject to verification. 

    • Reporters and editors interested in attending should contact LeadingAge media relations department (Colleen Knudsen, PR Manager: in advance of the event. 
    • Press must present official credentials, such as a link to a current editorial masthead with your name and title. Freelancers on assignment will be asked for an assignment letter or a note from an assigning editor, as well as links to two recent bylined articles. 
    • LeadingAge reserves the right to limit the number of press badges issued to a media organization. 
    • Registered press may not attend sessions designated as closed to the press. LeadingAge will provide press registrants a list of closed sessions in advance of the event or at on-site registration. Closed sessions will also be marked with signage on site.
    • All media attendees are expected to: 
      • Sign in upon arrival at the registration desk.
      • Wear their identifying badge, which includes their name and outlet affiliation, at all times.
      • Introduce themselves and their outlet affiliation prior to interviewing attendees, exhibitors, speakers or other event participants. 
    • Audio and video recordings will not be permitted unless the parties to be recorded and LeadingAge’s communications team grant permission. 
    • When space is limited, non-media attendees are prioritized for entry and seating.

    See the full press policy on our website.

    *This category is not eligible for CE credits.

  • Only the following registration categories are eligible to obtain continuing education credits

Registration Details

Learn all you need to know about Annual Meeting registration!

Registration Login

Attendee (individual) registration: You will login using your email and password. Please email or call 1-844-840-4669 if you have any login questions.

Attendee group registration: You will create an event login with a password*. Use this login and password to return to your record or simply click on your registration record link in your confirmation email. If you need help, please email or call 1-864-208-0400.
*Your group event login is new each year, it does not carry over to the next event.

Exhibitor registration: You will login using your company name and password. Use this login and password to return to your record or simply click on your registration record link in your confirmation email. If you need help, please email or call 1-864-208-0400.


Hello! I’m Angela.

If you still have questions about Annual Meeting registration, please contact me.