Matt Leach
Senior Consultant
Total Compensation Solutions
Armonk, NY
Robert Leake
Bloomfield, CT
Robert Leamer
Principal Advisor
Northampton Advisors
Chatham, NJ
Paula Ledbetter
Vice President, Marketing
Evanston, IL
Doug Leidig
President & CEO
Asbury Communities, Inc.
Frederick, MD
Emily Lerner
Executive Director
Perfect Pair
Ann Arbor, MI
Emily Levine
Chief of Advocacy
2Life Communities
Brighton, MA
Rob Liebreich
President & CEO
Goodwin Living
Alexandria, VA
Nick Lindberg
Chief Technology Officer
HumanGood Inc.
Duarte, CA
Mary Linde
Chief Executive Officer
Heritage on the Marina
San Francisco, CA
Amanda Lipko
Senior Director of Partnerships
Intuition Robotics/ElliQ
Palo Alto, CA
Jonathan Lips
Vice President, Legal Affairs
Washington, DC