Matt Leach

Senior Consultant
Total Compensation Solutions
Armonk, NY
  • 145-G. Trends in Compensation: How to Attract and Retain Managers
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    8:15 – 9:15 a.m.

    145-G. Trends in Compensation: How to Attract and Retain Managers

    Life plan communities can attract and retain management-level employees by setting competitive and appropriate levels of total remuneration. This session will help you decide what compensation vehicles are most appropriate and effective, given your organization’s culture and the needs of its executives. Presenters will show you how to set base salaries and develop short-term and long-term incentive plans that allow executives to share in the organization’s success. They’ll also suggest additional compensation alternatives, including deferred compensation and executive benefits like perquisites and life insurance plans. Learn how to align your compensation plan with government regulations, market trends, and your organization’s culture. Take home the information you need to ensure that your organization follows compensation best practices.

Robert Leake

Bloomfield, CT
  • 66-H. Repositioning a Life Plan Community? Call an Actuary
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

    66-H. Repositioning a Life Plan Community? Call an Actuary

    It’s natural to call in a development consultant to provide the expert advice you need when expanding or repositioning your life plan community. But it’s also wise to consider adding an actuary to your planning team. This session will explore why your community must consider changing consumer expectations, actuarial-driven data, and regional market conditions when planning a new project. Presenters will show you how an actuary can help you navigate the complexities of planning for residents’ future healthcare utilization and creating appropriately priced contracts. Learn how to take sophisticated approaches to financial screening and discover how to manage your community’s risk while helping prospective residents find a retirement option they can afford.

Robert Leamer

Principal Advisor
Northampton Advisors
Chatham, NJ
  • 42-D. Board Members are Leaders Too: How to Build a Better Board
  • Monday, October 28, 2024

    8:15 – 9:15 a.m.

    42-D. Board Members are Leaders Too: How to Build a Better Board

    Members of a nonprofit organization’s board of directors have a choice. They can be passive boosters of the organization’s mission or organizational leaders who provide vital support to help the organization achieve that mission. This session will help you steer your board toward the second option. Presenters will show you how to unlock the power that comes with having a board of directors that is committed to your organization’s mission, aligned with management, and prepared to fulfill its separate and distinct role in the organization’s hierarchy. You’ll leave this session with a new appreciation for the importance of recruiting the best board candidates and helping them become fully engaged and empowered.

Paula Ledbetter

Vice President, Marketing
Evanston, IL
  • 38-L. How to Make Your Life Plan Community More Inclusive
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

    38-L. How to Make Your Life Plan Community More Inclusive

    Recent estimates suggest that older adults who belong to racial and ethnic groups are underrepresented among residents of the nation’s approximately 1,900 life plan communities. Many senior living providers acknowledge the growing diversity of the country’s older population and are actively seeking ways to promote this diversity within their communities. This session will feature highlights from a study conducted by Mather Institute in Evanston, IL, which explored why life plan communities lack greater ethnic and racial diversity. Presenters will examine promising initiatives that three life plan communities have implemented to increase diversity. Join this session to learn about strategies to make your life plan community more inclusive, including targeted, tailored, and culturally appropriate outreach and marketing methods.

Doug Leidig

President & CEO
Asbury Communities, Inc.
Frederick, MD
  • 40-B. Do You Need Better Board Members or Better Board Processes?
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    40-B. Do You Need Better Board Members or Better Board Processes?

    How can senior living organizations help their boards lead in times of change? This session will help you investigate how new board processes, not necessarily new board members, could help your organization develop best-in-class governance. You’ll gain tips for maintaining the board’s strategic oversight, holding discussions that make the best use of board member skills, using committees to advance broader decision-making, and setting expectations to ensure board members remain connected to the organization. Let CEOs and board chairs tell you about the processes they’ve used to create high-quality boards, how to recognize the signs of declining board effectiveness, and how to attract effective board members.

Emily Lerner

Executive Director
Perfect Pair
Ann Arbor, MI
  • 112-H. Perfect Pair: Connecting Generations Two People at a Time
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

    112-H. Perfect Pair: Connecting Generations Two People at a Time

    Recent research shows that a third of older adults report feeling isolated, and more than two-thirds of college students reported feeling “very lonely” over the past year. This session shares the story of a national, student-run organization dedicated to changing those statistics. Leaders of “Perfect Pair” will explain how their program pairs older adults and college students so they can spend quality time together while re-engaging in shared passions and interests. Presenters will describe their extensive catalog of creative programming, which is available to pairs at no cost. Explore two of Perfect Pair’s national initiatives, which offer memory care-specific programming and connect LTBTQ+ older and younger adults. Find out how you can bring this intergenerational program to your community.

Emily Levine

Chief of Advocacy
2Life Communities
Brighton, MA
  • 126-F. State Policy Solutions to National Senior Housing Challenges
  • Monday, October 28, 2024

    4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

    126-F. State Policy Solutions to National Senior Housing Challenges

    This session will highlight state and local efforts to find new ways to develop affordable housing and services for older adults. Presenters will spark your imagination with examples of such innovations as securing waivers to include Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) partners in the housing development process and incorporating service coordination in tax credit development budgets. You’ll have the opportunity to review innovations implemented by three Massachusetts-based affordable housing projects that leveraged PACE waivers to reduce Low-Income Housing Tax Credit rents. Join a brainstorming exercise aimed at identifying potential allies who could help you meet the housing needs of older adults.

Rob Liebreich

President & CEO
Goodwin Living
Alexandria, VA
  • 71-K. Growing Pains: Avoiding Landmines as Your Organization Grows
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

    71-K. Growing Pains: Avoiding Landmines as Your Organization Grows

    All senior living organizations strive for growth, but it’s not always easy. This session will explore the challenges and opportunities that various organizations have encountered while following a growth strategy. Senior leaders, board members, financing partners, an attorney, and an advisor of Goodwin Living in Alexandria, VA, will tell you how to gain buy-in for your growth plans from residents, employees, lenders, and the local community so your organization can achieve its mission. You’ll take home tips for ensuring your organizational growth reflects its corporate structure, governance, and nonprofit status. You’ll also learn how to identify long-term goals and make tough decisions if growth-related projects are not proceeding according to plan.

Nick Lindberg

Chief Technology Officer
HumanGood Inc.
Duarte, CA
  • 12-K. What’s Next for AI: Enhanced Care and Optimized Revenue
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

    12-K. What’s Next for AI: Enhanced Care and Optimized Revenue

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming every aspect of our lives, including how we care for older adults. What will the next evolution of this technology bring to the senior living field? And how can your organization harness the power of AI to provide high-quality care while improving your bottom line? This session will help you answer those questions. Presenters will describe how providers can use AI to collect and analyze data that can help them make crucial clinical and financial decisions, align staffing levels with care plans, and ensure that revenue reflects the cost of care. Gain insights into how the next wave of AI will help you increase the quality of care you provide while improving your organization’s financial health.

Mary Linde

Chief Executive Officer
Heritage on the Marina
San Francisco, CA
  • 52-A. Should You Transition Away from Skilled Nursing Care?
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

    52-A. Should You Transition Away from Skilled Nursing Care?

    The demand for skilled nursing home care has waned in recent years due to the improved health of older adults, reimbursement changes, and increases in care provided in non-skilled settings. This session will focus on three senior living communities that are transitioning from skilled nursing to alternate care models. Presenters will describe a renovation project that converted skilled nursing spaces to memory care, a campus expansion that closed an on-campus skilled nursing setting, and a ground-up life plan community development that offered comprehensive care without on-campus skilled nursing. Join colleagues to discuss how transitions in care delivery can impact financial performance and their implications for strategic planning, financial management, resident relations, and operations.

Amanda Lipko

Senior Director of Partnerships
Intuition Robotics/ElliQ
Palo Alto, CA
  • 107-E. Combatting Social Isolation in Your Community
  • Monday, October 28, 2024

    3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

    107-E. Combatting Social Isolation in Your Community

    Senior living communities work hard to create opportunities for residents to connect socially while receiving the supportive services they need. However, some residents experience social isolation as they struggle to transition into senior living. This session will share best practices to improve resident engagement. Presenters will discuss the need to assess residents regularly for social isolation and to marshal the tools needed to help those residents engage with the community. They will introduce technologies including social companion robots, that can help identify those in need of therapeutic counseling and supplement the delivery of in-person services. These interventions can improve the well-being of residents at risk for social isolation, alleviate loneliness, and even motivate residents to pursue behaviors that improve their well-being.

Jonathan Lips

Vice President, Legal Affairs
Washington, DC
  • 117-A. Federal Policy Updates Across the Continuum
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

    117-A. Federal Policy Updates Across the Continuum

    You don’t have to be a “policy wonk” to stay current on federal policy issues. You just need to spend an hour with the LeadingAge Policy Team. During this session, those team members will fill you in on the latest federal policy news for provider types spanning the aging services continuum, including affordable housing, nursing homes, and home and community-based services. LeadingAge policy experts will break down the latest news from the congressional, executive, and judicial branches and share their efforts to advocate for improved and expanded access, funding, and regulatory environments.

  • 120-C. Federal Nondiscrimination Laws: Updates and Considerations
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

    120-C. Federal Nondiscrimination Laws: Updates and Considerations

    A plethora of federal laws prohibit discrimination against care recipients and employees based on disability. This session will provide an overview of how these federal laws apply to aging service providers. Presenters will outline regulations and guidance released in 2024 that enforce these federal requirements. They will also address practical issues facing providers and identify steps and strategies for assessing risks and establishing and maintaining effective programs to support compliance.