Laura Long

VP Independent Living
Fellowship Community
Whitehall, PA
  • 75-B. Creating Community Connections That Count
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    75-B. Creating Community Connections That Count

    Senior living organizations can boost their success and position themselves for future collaborative opportunities by participating actively in their local communities through strategic networking and volunteerism. This session will teach you techniques for developing relationships with community stakeholders and using advanced communication skills to make valuable connections in your local community. Presenters will discuss tactics for securing coverage of events and pertinent topics, positioning your leaders as media resources, and pitching newsworthy stories. Learn how to market your senior living organization by cultivating community alliances and building media trust. Get ready to unlock opportunities by demonstrating your sincere desire to improve your local community.

Isaac Longobardi

Director, Nursing Home Reform Coalition
Washington, DC
  • 87-A. Moving Forward Coalition: 2024 Update
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

    87-A. Moving Forward Coalition: 2024 Update

    The Moving Forward Coalition recently began its third year of work to advance recommendations from a 2022 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine report to improve nursing home quality. With new funding from The John A. Hartford Foundation, the coalition has begun a second phase of work focused on implementing three action plans to address residents’ goals, preferences, and priorities; strengthen resident councils; and using apprenticeship programs to expand career pathways for certified nursing assistants. Join this session to discover what the coalition accomplished during its first two years of work and what it hopes to achieve in the future.

Claire Louis

Director of Thome Aging Well Program
Enterprise Community Partners
Columbia, MD
  • 16-C. Preserving Owner-Occupied Homes with a Health Action Plan
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

    16-C. Preserving Owner-Occupied Homes with a Health Action Plan

    Health Action Plans offer affordable housing developers an evidence-based process for embedding health-promoting features into the design of new housing or the repair of existing structures. This session will explore how six community-based organizations used these plans to address the health of older adults while repairing and modifying their homes. You’ll learn how to identify the health needs of older homeowners, ensure their full engagement in the home modification process, and work with design and public health partners to select healthy building materials. Presenters will describe Health Action Plans used to preserve owner-occupied housing in Michigan and Maryland. You’ll take home templates you can use to implement a Health Action Plan in your community.

Rob Love

President & CEO
Love & Company, Inc.
Frederick, MD
  • 55-B. Identify and Build on Your Community’s Unique Strengths
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    55-B. Identify and Build on Your Community’s Unique Strengths

    Whether you are a new community or one that has been around for decades, it’s more important than ever to establish a distinct market niche. That’s what Trinity Landing did. The Life Plan Community in Wilmington, NC, began planning and preparing for its opening by solidifying a unique position in the market and using it to create a clear competitive advantage. During this session, you’ll hear from the financial advisor, marketing firm, and sales team how to build a brand around your community’s unique selling points and capitalize on its unique strengths.

  • 73-A. Three Critical Components of a Successful Sales Program
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

    73-A. Three Critical Components of a Successful Sales Program

    After years of high inflation, it’s more important than ever for your senior living community to maximize its revenue by rebuilding and maintaining high census levels. There is no single strategy for accomplishing this goal. Instead, your organization must ensure that all facets of its marketing and sales programs work together to maximize sales and revenue. This session will examine three critical components of a successful sales program: developing a solid brand, ensuring consistently strong lead generation, and maintaining strong sales practices. Presenters will focus on how two life plan communities dramatically increased their independent living census by successfully implementing strategies to improve all three elements.

Judi Lund Person, MPH, CHC

Lund Person & Associates Hospice Consulting
Alexandria, VA
  • 135-L. Are You Ready to Implement New Hospice Program Changes?
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

    135-L. Are You Ready to Implement New Hospice Program Changes?

    Are you ready to implement changes to the new hospice program so you can avoid audits and survey deficiencies and ensure operational efficiencies? This session can help. Finance, compliance, and operations experts will examine current and future risks associated with reimbursement, audits, and staffing as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services implements the Hospice Outcomes and Patient Evaluation (HOPE) tool. Don’t miss this chance to review critical steps hospices must take to stay ahead of the changes, such as improving workflow efficiencies to avoid difficulties implementing new regulatory requirements.

Bonnie Lundquist-Edes

Program Specialist, Assisted Living
NewBridge on the Charles
Dedham, MA
  • 104-C. Empowering Residents through Community Forums
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

    104-C. Empowering Residents through Community Forums

    Residents who don’t have feelings of empowerment, agency, and purpose may have difficulty thriving in their senior living community. Engaging older adults and their families in open dialogue about what matters most to them can help. This session will explore the benefits of resident and family engagement, which allows aging services providers to hear everyone’s ideas, brainstorm solutions, and implement changes based on suggestions. Presenters will share strategies for developing three engagement opportunities: community councils for the general resident population, community forums for residents with varying cognitive abilities, and family forums for residents’ loved ones. Find out how this engagement process can enhance resident satisfaction and demonstrate your commitment to resident well-being.

Jane Mack

Friends Services Alliance
Blue Bell, PA
  • 41-C. Are Residents Welcome to Help You Govern and Lead?
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

    41-C. Are Residents Welcome to Help You Govern and Lead?

    Now and in the future, new senior living models will be driven by the needs and preferences of a diverse population of older adults who differ markedly from previous generations. These “New Age Older Adults” will live longer than their predecessors, actively pursue purposeful longevity, want control over their lives, and seek to be involved in their senior living community’s governance, leadership, and decision-making. During this session, senior living CEOs and resident leaders will explain how these new older adults influence governance structures and leadership models in their organizations. Presenters will share the collaborative leadership and governance innovations they are undertaking and describe how they balance resident participation with their organization’s legal responsibilities.

Thomas Mackey

Total Compensation Solutions
Armonk, NY
  • 145-G. Trends in Compensation: How to Attract and Retain Managers
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    8:15 – 9:15 a.m.

    145-G. Trends in Compensation: How to Attract and Retain Managers

    Life plan communities can attract and retain management-level employees by setting competitive and appropriate levels of total remuneration. This session will help you decide what compensation vehicles are most appropriate and effective, given your organization’s culture and the needs of its executives. Presenters will show you how to set base salaries and develop short-term and long-term incentive plans that allow executives to share in the organization’s success. They’ll also suggest additional compensation alternatives, including deferred compensation and executive benefits like perquisites and life insurance plans. Learn how to align your compensation plan with government regulations, market trends, and your organization’s culture. Take home the information you need to ensure that your organization follows compensation best practices.

Lawson W. Magruder III

Board Member
Army Residence Community
San Antonio, TX
  • 41-C. Are Residents Welcome to Help You Govern and Lead?
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

    41-C. Are Residents Welcome to Help You Govern and Lead?

    Now and in the future, new senior living models will be driven by the needs and preferences of a diverse population of older adults who differ markedly from previous generations. These “New Age Older Adults” will live longer than their predecessors, actively pursue purposeful longevity, want control over their lives, and seek to be involved in their senior living community’s governance, leadership, and decision-making. During this session, senior living CEOs and resident leaders will explain how these new older adults influence governance structures and leadership models in their organizations. Presenters will share the collaborative leadership and governance innovations they are undertaking and describe how they balance resident participation with their organization’s legal responsibilities.

Faith Malach

Exec. Director Care Innovation and Transformation
North York, ON
  • 114-J. Transforming the Living Experience for People with Dementia
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

    114-J. Transforming the Living Experience for People with Dementia

    People living with dementia shouldn’t have to give up their values, purpose, preferences, connections, choices, and autonomy when they move into residential care. Instead, they should have access to models that disrupt traditional institutionalized approaches and enable an exceptional residential experience. This session will describe Possibilities by Baycrestu2122, a formal approach to delivering care for people living with dementia in residential settings. Representatives of Baycrest Health Sciences in Toronto, Canada, will give you a high-level overview of the model and explain how it maximizes abilities and potential by customizing a living experience for each person.

Roy Manno

Director of Facilities
Kendal-Crosslands Communities
Kennett Square, PA
  • 86-A. Prison Break: Lessons in Emergency Preparedness
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

    86-A. Prison Break: Lessons in Emergency Preparedness

    In 2023, an escaped convict eluded authorities for weeks as he roamed Chester County, PA, the home of Kendal~Crosslands Communities. The life plan community found itself in the middle of the crisis when SWAT teams descended on its campus after the escapee was sighted nearby. This session will delve into critical aspects of emergency preparedness planning and how it can ensure a community’s safety during unexpected crises. Presenters will discuss the crucial role community leaders play during crises and provide insights into the importance of conducting risk assessments and paying attention to emerging threats. Find out how Kendal~Crosslands Communities navigated its 2023 crisis by establishing a command center, conducting ongoing communications, and depending on resident and staff resilience and teamwork.

Lisa Marsilio

Kendal-Crosslands Communities
Kennett Square, PA
  • 86-A. Prison Break: Lessons in Emergency Preparedness
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

    86-A. Prison Break: Lessons in Emergency Preparedness

    In 2023, an escaped convict eluded authorities for weeks as he roamed Chester County, PA, the home of Kendal~Crosslands Communities. The life plan community found itself in the middle of the crisis when SWAT teams descended on its campus after the escapee was sighted nearby. This session will delve into critical aspects of emergency preparedness planning and how it can ensure a community’s safety during unexpected crises. Presenters will discuss the crucial role community leaders play during crises and provide insights into the importance of conducting risk assessments and paying attention to emerging threats. Find out how Kendal~Crosslands Communities navigated its 2023 crisis by establishing a command center, conducting ongoing communications, and depending on resident and staff resilience and teamwork.