Olivia Mastry

The Collective Action Lab
Minneapolis, MN
  • 41-C. Are Residents Welcome to Help You Govern and Lead?
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

    41-C. Are Residents Welcome to Help You Govern and Lead?

    Now and in the future, new senior living models will be driven by the needs and preferences of a diverse population of older adults who differ markedly from previous generations. These “New Age Older Adults” will live longer than their predecessors, actively pursue purposeful longevity, want control over their lives, and seek to be involved in their senior living community’s governance, leadership, and decision-making. During this session, senior living CEOs and resident leaders will explain how these new older adults influence governance structures and leadership models in their organizations. Presenters will share the collaborative leadership and governance innovations they are undertaking and describe how they balance resident participation with their organization’s legal responsibilities.

Kristin Maurelia

Director, Strategic Accounts
Oxnard, CA
  • 128-G. Winning Strategies to Lower Unemployment Expenses
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    8:15 – 9:15 a.m.

    128-G. Winning Strategies to Lower Unemployment Expenses

    How can your nonprofit organization adopt cost-saving strategies that streamline Human Resources processes, ensure regulatory compliance, and create operational efficiencies, all while mitigating risk and lowering costs? This session can help answer that question. Join representatives from UST to explore different unemployment funding options, including a little-known federal exemption, that can help 501(c)3 organizations lower their unemployment expenses. Hear a success story from a LeadingAge member who used these options to save money and time while strengthening its organization.

Dyan McAlister

Presbyterian Senior Living
Dillsburg, PA
  • 129-H. Finance and Legal Compliance: A Game Show Tour of the Issues
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

    129-H. Finance and Legal Compliance: A Game Show Tour of the Issues

    If you don’t normally associate finance and legal compliance issues with fun and games, you may change your mind after attending this session. Designed as an interactive game show, the session will invite audience members to test their knowledge of compliance issues by participating in polls and answering multiple-choice questions on their cell phones. A team of presenters will delve deeper into specific compliance and ethical issues involving nonprofit governance, accounting, and government investigations affecting boards of directors, third-party providers, residents, and employees. Along the way, presenters will discuss issues related to bond financing, IRS guidelines, and nonprofit prosecution and enforcement. You’ll go home ready to analyze and resolve complex financial and legal issues with your executive team.

Harry McConnell

President & CEO
Cornwall Manor
Cornwall, PA
  • 111-H. The Benefits of Organic Farming in a Senior Living Community
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

    111-H. The Benefits of Organic Farming in a Senior Living Community

    The well-being of older adults and the health of Pennsylvania soils received welcome boosts when Cornwall Manor Retirement Community established an organic farm on its campus in collaboration with the Rodale Institute, a nonprofit organization promoting organic farming. The 2.5-acre Trailside Organic Farm supports the dining needs of the life plan community and offers residents opportunities to help with farm tasks and purchase fresh produce at weekly farm markets. Presenters will explain the farm’s operations, detail Rodale’s investment, and describe the public relations and marketing benefits the farm brings to the Cornwall Manor. Don’t have room on your campus for a farm? Rodale Institute executives will tell you how to partner with local organic farms to engage residents in agriculture.

Bryan McCrea

Director of Software Development
Prelude Services
Mechanicsburg, PA
  • 91-D. How to Become a Data-Driven Organization
  • Monday, October 28, 2024

    8:15 – 9:15 a.m.

    91-D. How to Become a Data-Driven Organization

    Your senior living organization is collecting and generating more data than ever before. But are you making the best use of that data? This session will help you recognize the value of your organization’s raw data and how solid data aggregation and reporting strategies can lead to better resident care, improved business operations, and success for your whole team. Presenters will explain how to implement data aggregation and reporting strategies and offer tips for determining your objectives for leveraging data, identifying available data sources, applying data to your organization, and making data a part of its culture. The emerging role of artificial intelligence and machine learning will also be discussed.

Mario McKenzie

Charlotte, NC
  • 58-D. Affiliation: Last Resort or Best Path Forward?
  • Monday, October 28, 2024

    8:15 – 9:15 a.m.

    58-D. Affiliation: Last Resort or Best Path Forward?

    Affiliation is often seen as a last resort for a troubled senior living community. However, deciding to join with another entity can also represent an organization’s best path to achieving its strategic vision. This session will reframe the concept of affiliation by presenting the story of the Elder Care Alliance (ECA), which chose to pursue an affiliation after undergoing a robust strategic planning process. Presenters will offer a brief overview of the process ECA used to explore whether an affiliation would improve the odds of achieving its vision for success. Take home practical tools for identifying, pursuing, and evaluating potential affiliation partners. Explore key governance issues associated with one of the most significant decisions your board of directors may ever make.

William McMorran

Sr. Partner
Green Oak Consulting Group
Los Angeles, CA
  • 68-I. Building and Maintaining an Effective Planned Giving Pipeline
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

    68-I. Building and Maintaining an Effective Planned Giving Pipeline

    The ability of retirement communities to achieve a healthy bottom line is directly tied to the effectiveness of their planned giving programs. Yet, too often, planned giving is left to chance and the good graces of self-identified donors. This session will examine how single-site and multisite senior living communities can build a pipeline of gifts over time. Presenters will share the giving strategies that resonate most with donors, including bequests, charitable trusts, and legacy societies. You’ll leave this session understanding the importance of developing solid relationships with donors and the need for your marketing professionals, financing executives, and board members to recognize planned giving’s impact on your organization’s bottom line.

Mary McMullin

Chief Strategy & Advancement Officer
Front Porch
Walnut Creek, CA
  • 52-A. Should You Transition Away from Skilled Nursing Care?
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

    52-A. Should You Transition Away from Skilled Nursing Care?

    The demand for skilled nursing home care has waned in recent years due to the improved health of older adults, reimbursement changes, and increases in care provided in non-skilled settings. This session will focus on three senior living communities that are transitioning from skilled nursing to alternate care models. Presenters will describe a renovation project that converted skilled nursing spaces to memory care, a campus expansion that closed an on-campus skilled nursing setting, and a ground-up life plan community development that offered comprehensive care without on-campus skilled nursing. Join colleagues to discuss how transitions in care delivery can impact financial performance and their implications for strategic planning, financial management, resident relations, and operations.

Debi McNeil

Canterbury Court
Atlanta, GA
  • 70-J. Repositioning the Single-Site Life Plan Community
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

    70-J. Repositioning the Single-Site Life Plan Community

    Can single-site life plan communities thrive in the future, given the increasing complexity of senior living, continued workforce challenges, and the investments required to respond to changing consumer preferences? The answer is a resounding “yes,” according to leaders of Canterbury Court, a 60-year-old single-site community in Atlanta, GA. This session will examine how Canterbury Court has thrived since it updated its strategic plan and launched a 2016 expansion and repositioning project that added new wellness, healthcare, and memory care services to the campus and made targeted investments in facilities, technology, and human resources. You’ll be impressed by this story of a single-site organization that responded to changing consumer preferences and exceeded resident expectations.

Kristy Mellons

Project Manager
Abe’s Garden
Nashville, TN
  • 116-L. Engagement for the Full Continuum of Memory Challenges
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

    116-L. Engagement for the Full Continuum of Memory Challenges

    Are you looking for better ways to serve people with dementia who live outside of your memory care program but are not benefiting from traditional activity programs? Then this session is for you. Presenters will introduce you to an evidence-based model called the Continuum of Cognitive Health (CCH), which you can use to provide high levels of engagement and support to residents and clients in all service lines as their cognitive needs change. Let presenters educate you about the evidence base for adapting engagement experiences for the full continuum of memory challenges. Review case studies demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach from an operational, marketing, and quality-of-life perspective.

Dan Merriman

Sr. Compliance/Public Policy Analyst
Des Moines, IA
  • 119-B. Life Plan Community Update
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    119-B. Life Plan Community Update

    Two influential forces drive legislative activities in life plan community oversight: consumer advocacy groups and LeadingAge. Working closely with its state partners, LeadingAge proactively tracks legislative and consumer advocacy activities and supports efforts to protect life plan communities and the older adults they serve. This session will provide a thorough review of current state and federal activities related to life plan communities. An expert panel will discuss the implications of these activities for providers, explore the role that LeadingAge and its state partners are taking to influence those activities, and look ahead to anticipate strategic preparations that must take place now to secure the life plan community model for the future.

Melissa Messina

Miles & Stockbridge
Baltimore, MD
  • 71-K. Growing Pains: Avoiding Landmines as Your Organization Grows
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

    71-K. Growing Pains: Avoiding Landmines as Your Organization Grows

    All senior living organizations strive for growth, but it’s not always easy. This session will explore the challenges and opportunities that various organizations have encountered while following a growth strategy. Senior leaders, board members, financing partners, an attorney, and an advisor of Goodwin Living in Alexandria, VA, will tell you how to gain buy-in for your growth plans from residents, employees, lenders, and the local community so your organization can achieve its mission. You’ll take home tips for ensuring your organizational growth reflects its corporate structure, governance, and nonprofit status. You’ll also learn how to identify long-term goals and make tough decisions if growth-related projects are not proceeding according to plan.