Dana Parsons

Vice President & Legislative Counsel
LeadingAge Virginia
Glen Allen, VA
  • 119-B. Life Plan Community Update
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    119-B. Life Plan Community Update

    Two influential forces drive legislative activities in life plan community oversight: consumer advocacy groups and LeadingAge. Working closely with its state partners, LeadingAge proactively tracks legislative and consumer advocacy activities and supports efforts to protect life plan communities and the older adults they serve. This session will provide a thorough review of current state and federal activities related to life plan communities. An expert panel will discuss the implications of these activities for providers, explore the role that LeadingAge and its state partners are taking to influence those activities, and look ahead to anticipate strategic preparations that must take place now to secure the life plan community model for the future.

Alpana Patel

Vice President of Clinical Services
Presbyterian Homes – Skokie
Skokie, IL
  • 139-D. A Systems-Level Initiative to Support Employee Well-Being
  • Monday, October 28, 2024

    8:15 – 9:15 a.m.

    139-D. A Systems-Level Initiative to Support Employee Well-Being

    The well-being of individuals working at every level of senior living organizations has been seriously challenged over the past few years. Presbyterian Homes in Skokie, IL, established a systems-level intervention to help employees address those challenges. This session will describe the processes and strategies the organization used to implement a well-being initiative with help from leadership, staff, and resident champions. Presenters will review the latest research about workplace well-being and explore the connection between staff well-being, quality of care, clinical outcomes, and operations. Let yourself be inspired to establish similar interventions to foster emotional well-being among staff while stabilizing and empowering the aging services workforce.

Sheri Peifer

Carmichael, CA
  • 12-K. What’s Next for AI: Enhanced Care and Optimized Revenue
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

    12-K. What’s Next for AI: Enhanced Care and Optimized Revenue

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming every aspect of our lives, including how we care for older adults. What will the next evolution of this technology bring to the senior living field? And how can your organization harness the power of AI to provide high-quality care while improving your bottom line? This session will help you answer those questions. Presenters will describe how providers can use AI to collect and analyze data that can help them make crucial clinical and financial decisions, align staffing levels with care plans, and ensure that revenue reflects the cost of care. Gain insights into how the next wave of AI will help you increase the quality of care you provide while improving your organization’s financial health.

Dee Pekruhn

Director, Life Plan Communities Services & Policy
Washington, DC
  • 64-G. Innovating Together: Life Plan Communities and Villages
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    8:15 – 9:15 a.m.

    64-G. Innovating Together: Life Plan Communities and Villages

    A Village is a neighborhood-based nonprofit membership organization that uses volunteers to help older residents remain connected with their neighbors while continuing to live in their own homes. This session will focus on the innovative partnerships that can evolve between Villages and life plan communities. Find out how life plan communities are working with Villages to offer the most appropriate services to individuals living in their homes and communities. You’ll even meet a housing provider that partnered with an Area Agency on Aging to develop a Village within an existing Naturally Occurring Retirement Community. Presenters will discuss federal and state policy changes that could help expand the development of similar models nationwide.

  • 119-B. Life Plan Community Update
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    119-B. Life Plan Community Update

    Two influential forces drive legislative activities in life plan community oversight: consumer advocacy groups and LeadingAge. Working closely with its state partners, LeadingAge proactively tracks legislative and consumer advocacy activities and supports efforts to protect life plan communities and the older adults they serve. This session will provide a thorough review of current state and federal activities related to life plan communities. An expert panel will discuss the implications of these activities for providers, explore the role that LeadingAge and its state partners are taking to influence those activities, and look ahead to anticipate strategic preparations that must take place now to secure the life plan community model for the future.

Roeland Pelgrims

CEO And President
Nobi USA
Houston, TX
  • 1-A. What AI-Driven Solutions Will Impact Aging Services?
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

    1-A. What AI-Driven Solutions Will Impact Aging Services?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) can help aging services organizations provide the best possible care while relieving pressure on overburdened staff and engaging older adults in preserving their health, independence, and dignity. During this session, a global aging expert, technology innovator, and aging services provider will discuss the current and future market for AI-driven solutions in senior living and the innovations that promise to make the most significant impact now and in the future. Presenters will showcase Cypress Living in Ft. Myers, FL, which is using an AI-powered solution to detect and prevent falls. You’ll go home ready to begin your AI journey.

Adam Perry

Health Policy & Aging Fellow
ATI Advisory
Washington, DC
  • 88-B. Value-Based Care: Transforming Aging Services at the Bedside
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    88-B. Value-Based Care: Transforming Aging Services at the Bedside

    Medicare Advantage, accountable care organizations, and other value-based care payment models are playing a growing role in aging services. However, the aging services model must change significantly before providers can successfully transition from a volume-focused fee-for-service approach to one that supports prevention and population health management. This session will explore the policy, technology, and clinical changes necessary for a successful transition. Presenters will describe technologies that could enable providers of aging services to access real-time data and provide virtual access to specialty care, all at the bedside. They will also introduce you to the models and technologies that promise to transform care delivery, teach you about potential barriers to delivery system transformation, and give you reasons for optimism.

Krysta Peterson

Assistant Director, Opening Minds through Art (OMA)
Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University
Oxford, OH
  • 105-D. Tackling Loneliness and Ageism Online through the Arts
  • Monday, October 28, 2024

    8:15 – 9:15 a.m.

    105-D. Tackling Loneliness and Ageism Online through the Arts

    An online platform piloted in 2023 by the Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University in Oxford, OH, is tackling the twin epidemics of loneliness and ageism by engaging older and younger people in meaningful conversations and creative activities. The Scripps Arts-based, Virtual, Intergenerational, and Dementia-Friendly (AVID) program has connected more than 80 intergenerational pairs by using engaging prompts to facilitate virtual conversations around the arts. This session will introduce you to ScrippsAVID, share findings from its pilot phase, and describe how the program is connecting students and people living with dementia in nursing homes and strengthening intergenerational programming in a tribal community. Presenters will demonstrate the free video-chat platform and invite you to participate in a sample activity.

Matt Phillips

President / CEO
Integrated Development Group II
Northfield, IL
  • 72-L. Tapping For-Profit Expertise to Build for the Future
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

    72-L. Tapping For-Profit Expertise to Build for the Future

    After several years of slower-than-desired progress in developing River’s Edge, New York City’s first life plan community, RiverSpring Living engaged Integrated Development II (ID2), a boutique senior living firm, to complete the project. Through this unique partnership, RiverSpring benefitted from ID2’s expertise without entering a formal joint venture relationship or relinquishing equity. The project is now on track to begin construction in late 2024. This session will describe how the River’s Edge project combined ID2’s entrepreneurial approach with RiverSpring Living’s nonprofit corporate structure, internal resources, and personnel. Presenters will help you understand how a nonprofit organization can work with a for-profit developer to create a winning partnership.

Scott Phillips

Managing Director
Healthcare Management Partners
Nashville, TN
  • 69-I. Changing Course on the Way to a Successful Affiliation
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

    69-I. Changing Course on the Way to a Successful Affiliation

    Think there’s only one path for a struggling senior living system seeking an affiliation with another organization? Think again. During this session, representatives of LeadingAge Gold Partner Ziegler will share the experiences of one organization that changed course in the middle of its search for affiliation so it could reassess and address operational challenges more deeply. Presenters will walk you through the organization’s affiliation process, point out the pivot points that signaled the need for a mid-course correction, and identify strategies that ultimately led to success. Learn the steps the organization took to “right the ship,” including the critical conversations its leaders had with residents and team members.

Alex Piriz Mookerjee

Executive Director
Westminster Communities of Florida, Inc.
Orlando, FL
  • 102-B. Helping Residents Manage Mental Health Challenges Across Settings
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

    102-B. Helping Residents Manage Mental Health Challenges Across Settings

    Providers of aging services across the continuum strive to address the needs of residents who live with untreated mental health and substance use conditions. This session will highlight how Westminster Communities of Florida is helping residents manage these conditions. Representatives of that organization will be on hand to review statistics showing the enormous challenges facing older adults in need of mental health support. They will demonstrate how strong metrics, data sharing, and collaboration can strengthen resident health and well-being outcomes in nursing and assisted living settings and how housing professionals with limited resources can support residents experiencing ongoing or acute mental health crises. Learn how these interventions can improve team member and resident satisfaction and the bottom line.

Bonnie Polak

Vice President of Philanthropy & Community Engagement
Trinity Woods (formerly Oklahoma Methodist Manor)
Tulsa, OK
  • 82-I. Pay Attention to Your Sales Team
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

    82-I. Pay Attention to Your Sales Team

    Who’s working on the front lines, helping your organization maintain its resident census and remain financially healthy? It’s your sales team, and they deserve your attention. During this session, sales and marketing experts will share their experiences leading and motivating sales teams. Presenters will discuss strategies you can use to encourage your sales team to do its best work, such as offering compensation and incentive programs to motivate the team and implementing effective staffing practices that can improve productivity, increase lead-to-sale conversion rates, shorten sales cycles, and increase occupancy. Learn how to recruit and retain sales team talent and create a motivational work environment for the team working hard to help your organization succeed.

Adrienne Powell Ruffin

VP and Head of LTSS Strategic Initiatives and Operations, LTSS Center
Washington, DC
  • 28-C. Leadership Diversity: Welcoming Young People of Color
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024

    4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

    28-C. Leadership Diversity: Welcoming Young People of Color

    Increasing the diversity of your leadership team can help your organization improve its workplace culture and bolster its success. This session will show you how to help younger people from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups understand the opportunities available to them in the field of aging services. Learn about LeadingAge initiatives that can help you recruit and retain a diverse team and build the leadership skills of team members once they are hired. Leaders of color will be on hand to share their experiences working in aging services and to offer advice for building a diverse leadership team by opening doors for younger people of color and providing the support they need for a long and fulfilling career in our sector.